Church Design & Construction Projects During a Pandemic

Churches are asking us "How are other churches reacting in regard to their building design & construction projects during the Coronavirus?"

In all cases we have been encouraging churches to proceed carefully regarding their plans as it relates to the duration of the outbreak and its effect on their giving. We have been able to counsel churches to carefully consider the issues and assist in plans to move forward in a way that best meets their needs.  Although we have not seen any churches completely cancel their plans, there are varying responses.  Below are a few we have seen.

Hit Pause

In some cases, our church clients have “paused” to see what would happen with their finances. In other cases, we have seen church clients pause based on the advice of their bank — as they want to determine the length of the shutdown before they provide financing. Should a church client decide it’s necessary to pause development, we can stop work with no loss of their investment while helping them consider the future.

Continued Design

Our largest group of church clients have decided to continue the early design process without completely knowing what the future holds. In doing this they feel they are taking a measured risk that helps them better prepare for the ultimate construction of their project.  During this time, the project team (church, architect, engineers, builder) is working to determine the overall project scope and cost before moving into the final construction documents.

Keep On Keeping On

Many of our church clients have made the decision to move forward with their project development uninterrupted.  They feel their vision and finances are solid and their next season of ministry is clearly defined.  When this is the case, we are excited to continue as a team in doing our part in fulfilling that vision!

Give us a call or message!

As an architectural group that values all churches and works only for churches, we consider every opportunity to partner with churches in these difficult times a privilege and honor.

If you find that your church is considering a development project and you’re not quite sure how to proceed, don’t hesitate to reach out through our website or give us a call — we want to help!